Shop Customer Survey June 2023 We value your support and want to make sure we're delivering the best experience possible. That's why we'd love to hear from you – please take this short 6-minute survey and help us make BrickFit even better. We truly appreciate your insight and your time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Overall BrickFit rating? * 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars Knowing what you know now about BrickFit, did the product meet your expectations? * Exceeded expectations Less than expected Better than expected Disappointing As expected Rate your experience regarding aspects of BrickFit? * Ease of user account creation * Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Pairing the activity tracker * Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Product Support * Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Time to complete challenges * Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Participation of the user * Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Who purchased BrickFit? * ChooseUserUser's ParentUser's GrandparentUser's Uncle/AuntyUser's FriendOther Who purchased BrickFit? What was the main reason behind the BrickFit purchase? * ChooseBirthdayChristmasOther special occasionAppealing product benefitsIt's a LEGO productImpulse buyOther What was the main reason behind the BrickFit purchase? BrickFit User Age Range * Choose3-910-1516-1920-3940-5960+ BrickFit User Gender ChooseMaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to say How did you hear about BrickFit? ChooseFriend referralSpecialist ReferralFacebookGoogleInstagramEmailOnline Store (Amazon etc.)In store (Myer etc)Other How did you hear about BrickFit? How likely are you to recommend BrickFit to friends/family/Colleagues? * Extremely Likely Very likely likely Less likely Not at all likely Recommendation * Extremely Likely Very likely likely Less likely Not at all likely What is the reason why/why not? How would you describe BrickFit to friends/family/Colleagues? Have you noticed any changes in your child's activity levels and overall wellbeing since using BrickFit? Any additional comments or recommendations for BrickFit improvements? Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge with us. For your chance to win a sleek Garmin vivosmart 4 and BrickFit activation code, please answer the following question then enter your username and phone number. What would you like to build using LEGO (25 words or less)? 0 of 25 max words Child username or Parent email address * Required to validate the entry. Phone Number * Thank you for taking the time to help us understand what you love (and would like improved) about BrickFit. By submitting this entry you agree to these Terms & Conditions If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit