Why keeping kids healthy is important. Two LEGO® minifigures, resembling a scientist and a BMX bike rider.

Why it matters

Keeping kids active isn't rocket science. Is it?
Stay active, stay healthy. A girl kicking a soccer ball.

aren’t all kids naturally active?

Around the globe today, the rate of children’s physical activity is very low1. In Australia, just two out of 10 children2 meet national physical activity guidelines (a minimum 60 minutes of exercise each day3), while up to 70% of a child’s day is spent sitting down4.

  • Today’s children are potentially the most sedentary in human history.
  • The global level of children’s physical activity is at risk of dropping even further.
  • Children who are more active have better physical and mental health, sleep better, and perform better in school.
How active should children be? A boy in a wheelchair playing basketball.

How active should children be?

Children should aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity (like aerobic exercise and cardio) every day.3

  • Children should engage in intense activities that strengthen muscle and bone at least 3 days a week.
  • Children should break up sitting and standing as often as possible.
  • Primary school children should get 9 to 11 hours’ sleep per night.